Fine Art Photos
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Naroči fotografije  /Order my photos
Lux Nigra



Per vitrum



Naroči fotografije

Želiš naročiti katero od mojih fotografij? /
Want to hang one of my photos on your wall?
  Fotografije so na voljo v omejeni izdaji (samo 25 kopij, s podpisom in certifikatom) in v različnih formatih, ki se bodo prilegali vašim stenam. Izberete lahko visoko kvalitetni fotografski papir, ali fotoplatno.
Garantiramo visoko kvaliteto in obstojne barve. Fotografije bodo poslane najkasneje 3 dni od vašega naročila s priporočeno pošto.
Fotografije pošiljamo v kartonskih tubah.

High quality limited edition (25 signed prints & certificate) photography prints are available in a variety of sizes to suit your walls. Our products include lustre photo prints or stretched canvas prints.
Archival quality and longevity is guaranteed with all prints
Dispatched within 3 days of your order and delivered rapidly to your door by registered courier with full customer satisfaction guarantees.
Prints are supplied unframed and are shipped in carton tubes.

Cene vključujejo pošiljanje / Sizes and prices, including shipping within Europe, are:

Prints (landscape or vertical) / Fotografije (ležeče ali pokončne):
30x 20cm EUR 180.00
45x 30cm EUR 220.00
60x 40cm EUR 280.00
75x 50cm EUR 380.00

Panoramic Prints (landscape or vertical) / Panoramske fotografije (ležeče ali pokončne):
20x 60 cm EUR 280.00
30x 90 cm EUR 380.00
40x 120cm EUR 480.00
50x 150cm EUR 580.00

Photographic canvas / Fotoplatno:
20x 30 cm EUR 220.00
30x 40 cm EUR 280.00
40x 60 cm EUR 380.00
60x 80 cm EUR 480.00

Janin Maj:
Temna Svetloba

razstava fotografij

Kje: Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana